
النائب أبو رمان يشارك في المؤتمر الدولي الأول للبرلمانيين الشباب

النائب أبو رمان يشارك في المؤتمر الدولي الأول للبرلمانيين الشباب
جو 24 : شارك النائب معتز أبو رمان خلال اليومين الماضيين بالمؤتمر الدولي الأول للبرلمانيين الشباب، والذي ينظمه الإتحاد الدولي للبرلمان (I.P.U) في سويسرا جنيف و بمشاركة 96 دولة.

وقال النائب أبو رمان انه كان قد تلقى دعوة من المنظميين للمشاركة كمتحدث دولي عن تجربته البرلمانية كممثل للشباب ومدى تأثير أدوات التواصل الاجتماعي على تفاعل الشباب في الحياة السياسية، وتأثير الإنتقال الرقمي (DIGITAL CONVERSION) على معايير إشراك الشباب كمكون أساسي في الديموقراطية.

وأضاف انه حضر كلمة إرتجالية باللغة الانجليزية إبتدأها بشكر المنظمين على فكرة إنشاء برلمان شبابي دولي، وإشادة بالدعم المستمر من الملك عبدالله الثاني لتمكين الشباب الاردني سياسيا وديمقراطيا وجعلهم جزءا من صنع القرار.

وكان رئيس البرلمان الدولي قد افتتح المؤتمر بكلمة مختصرة عن أهمية تمكين دور الشباب في صناعة القرار السياسي وإدماجهم في الحياة الحزبية، ومسؤولية الحكومات والبرلمانات في سن تشريعات هادفة لجذب الشباب للإنخراط في العملية الحزبية والسياسية، وتضمن ذلك توصية بايجاد نظام للكوتا في قانون الإنتخاب العصري يفرض إنتخاب الشباب بنسبة محددة في مجالس التشريع، والذي يعمل به حاليا في العديد من دول العالم.

والجدير بالذكر أنه رغم أهمية دور الشباب إلا أن المجالس البرلمانية في معظم دول العالم لا زالت تفتقر الى تمثيل شبابي حقيقي و فعال ، فتقول الإحصاءات أن 2 % هي نسبة النواب الشباب الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 30 عاما" و أن النسبة لأعمار النواب ما بين 30 و 40 هي أقل من 20 % ، و قد كان المؤتمر برعاية لمنظمة الأمم المتحده حيث القى أحمد الهنداوي (أردني الجنسية) كلمة ترحيبية ممثلا عن أمين عام الأمم المتحده بان كي مون، والذي يشغل حاليا منصب مبعوث شوؤن الشباب في منظمة الأمم المتحده في نيويورك ومستشارا للأمين العام، وجاء في كلمته أن منظمة الأمم المتحده تدعم التوجه الديمقراطي نحو إشراك الشباب وأن على الحكومات إيجاد مخصصات مالية ضمن موازنتها لدعم الأنشطة السياسية للشباب، وقد أشاد بالفكرة التي كنت تقدمت بها بأن يتم إنشاء منتدى للشباب البرلمانيين العرب تحتضنه الأردن، ليساهم في تجسير العلاقه ما بين المنظمات الشبابية على المستوى العربي.

و فيما يلي نص الكلمة التي ألقاها ابو رمان بالمؤتمر باللغة الإنجليزية:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The Power of Social Media When Interacting With Youth
Dear Excellences, MPs, colleagues and guests ….
Please allow me first to express my gratitude, and special thanks to the organizers of this event, I would also like to thank Miss Zaina for granting me this opportunity to speak in front of you today, and share my own experience with youth MPs all over the world, it’s really promising to set forth our goals to start achieving in the first
"International Parliament Union Global conference Of Young Parliamentarians"
My name is Moutaz Abu Rumman, am an MP from Jordan, I was elected on the national level representing youth, and considered the first to reach the parliament depending on the youth votes and through driving a successful campaign without any quota support, focusing on youth aims and emphasizing the importance of their enrollment in the political life and being part of the decision making.
Before I start my Presentation about the power of social media for young ambitious political people, I would give you slight information about my country Jordan:
Jordan is a small country of 7 million population, where 70% of those are considered youth but only 20 % of this majority enroll in the political life on all aspects, less than 5 % of Parliamentarians are below the age of 40, the voting age is 18 years old and the elected candidate shouldn't be less than 30 years old .and we don’t have any preferential treatment for youth quota but we do have a quota for woman.
In considering the youth support , his majesty king Abdullah the second and Queen Rania Al Abdullah are the real most ones driving the wheel towards increasing youth enrollment in political life and making them part of decision making , in many of his majesty speeches he focus on the youth and he declare that in his vision as a king , the youth role is part of the democracy that he wish for Jordan , as he follows his father steps the young prince Hussein is the active presenter for youth engagements not only in political life but also in public and all kinds of Youth initiatives .
Therefore, the political well in Jordan is already there, to improve the results of youth participation in the future, not only in parliament but also in the governments and all authorities.
The transition which most of the countries had in the past few years , especially third nation countries was the transition into the Digital Era, and Jordan was part of that as well ,but does that have to do with youth and politics?!
Yes it does for sure!!
The very common question WAS: how to make young people interested??
First you must have a way to reach them ….
Second you should get them engaged,
Third and more important make them convinced, and then they will participate

Digital connection was the ONLY WAY for that
The answer was simply: SOCIAL MEDIA
Which is the biggest pool for targeting young people, I witnessed that young activists and political people can easily get involved, it just needed a simple and attractive question to start it all, such as do you support youth into the parliament ?
It was like a candle lighted in the darkness and it started to spread, its media like a snow ball, you have to choose the correct topic and it will grow alone.
In most elections in Jordan, any youth participating in the elections will have to face a challenge, which is convincing people to vote for you and to believe in you although you are of much younger age and without prior experience in politics , and most important can't compete financially with high budgets ,, so as youth there is many barriers !! Even your own family could be less encouraged and fearful for you to fail , but you have to be strong enough and never get desperate is the direct way to success.
With the strong well, and through smart connectivity, social media made it much easier and very less cost, I believe from my experience that social media is the most powerful marketing tool the world had ever seen, but it's also not a magic bean that can grow over night, it’s a plat form for real work.
My campaign was known afterwards in the whole of my country, I could reach 70% most houses and families that use internet at home, my message would pop up to any face book account in Jordan, although I agree I was snoopy and some may not enjoy it, but it was the only way to spread my thoughts and deliver my political views to youth.
I received many comments; one which was so common even from my colleges in the parliament today is that they call me FACEBOOK MP!
My campaign was considered the best spread and fastest and the most direct, the elections in Jordan have ever had!!
Before I finish my session , I would like to convey a massage for all the mps attending today ,although social media is a fast way up it's also a fast way down , each public figure should always maintain daily interaction with the public , through his social profile , and must be reminded that people behind the screen are not less smart than you are , it’s a real action even they can't hear your voice but your thoughts are surely reaching them , so make sure you send the correct massages , and keep up with this healthy relation , because if you forget them , finally they will forget you.!

I think youth are the future , I encourage all governments to empower youth enrollment , maybe through youth quota or assignment or other ways of support , governments are responsible to get them involved , to enable the atmosphere for them ,one more thing don’t wait for them to come you should go to them ..
Thank you all for the chance you gave me to hear my own experience, and look forward to meet with you again.

Moutaz Abu Rumman
National MP JORDAN
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